Being a Single Mom
This picture always tugs on my heart strings...It was around when I separated from Henry’s dad. I was devastated that I wouldn’t be with Henry everyday.
Henry was 2, and it was my routine to be with him everyday. I could count on one hand the nights I spent away from him. I came from a household with two parents who love each other very much. 99% of my friends’ parents were together, and just about all of my friends who had children were together with their partners or husbands. Being around single parents-or having friends who were single parents, wasn't something I was use to. I felt so so stupid and dumb for being in this situation. . I thought that I was destroying Henry’s I was doing him a disservice as a mother, and it really bogged me down. On the days I was without Henry, I didn’t do anything with friends who had kids because I didn’t want to say that Henry was with his dad instead of me. . I didn’t want to be a “single mom”. If my friends couldn’t come over I immediately thought it was because my house was the “broken household” and who would really want their kid playing with my kid who had a single mom. (So dumb!!!) . Henry’s Dad loves him very much-but I grieved for a long time. I lost weight, and coiled inside myself. When I was with Henry I was always stressed out because I didn’t know how to play the role of two people, work a full time job, and get all the chores done that two people normally did-all while having a toddler messing up messes I just cleaned. I had to remind myself that he has a dad so I don’t have to be both. I didn’t need to be stressed about silly things. Henry still had love and was shown love everyday. Henry was and still is blessed.
However, being a single mom taught me to be really strong. It taught me that I can do all the things my friend's husbands can do, take care of Henry, work a full time job, and still have a positive attitude. Prior to being a single mom I didn't know or appreciate all the things single moms went through. I didn't realize how lucky people were to have a significant other to work as a teammate, in rearing children. My eyes have been opened and I'm not only stronger, but I see things through a different scope that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do otherwise.
My point is, think about the single mothers out there and how their thoughts might be affecting them. To the single parent house, offer a helping hand, and give all parents a break bc we never know the battles going on inside their heads.